Page:Vocabulary of Menander (1913).djvu/65

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Anon. ap. Spengel, Rhet. Gr. III p. 139.19. Hippol. ap. Diels, Dox. Gr. p. 556.24. Aet. ib. 322 b 8. Tat. Or. 18 p. 20.2 Schwartz. Comm. in Arist.; see indices.

ἐπισημαίνω 1011 K. Phot. σημαίνειν καὶ ἐπισημαίνειν· τὸ σφοδρῶς αὐλεῖν, ὥσπερ οἱ σαλπιγκταί. οὕτως Μένανδρος. Cf. Poll. 5.85 ὁ δὲ κυνηγέτης ἐμβοάτω ταῖς κυσίν, ἐγκελευέτω, ἐπανακραγέτω, ἐπικεκράχθω, ἐνσημαινέσθω, ἐπισημαινέσθω. I find no instances of such a usage in the literature.

ἐπισπορά Fab. Inc. I 27 Körte. It is impossible to say whether we have here ἐπισπορά or ἐπὶ σπορᾷ. Theophr. C. P. 2.17.10; H. P. 7.1.2. Athenag. p. 51 B Mor. Pap. Tebt. II 375.14 (140 A.D.).

ἐπιφαρμακεύω Hero fr. 6 Körte = 213 K. Phot. Berol. 115.19, Suid. ἀναλυθῆναι· τὸ καθαρμῷ τινι χρήσασθαι φαρμάκων. Μένανδρος Ἥρωι 'ἐπεφαρμακεύσω, γλυκύτατ᾽, ἀναλυθεὶς μόλις.' Zonar. Lex. 202 has the same, with the exception of ἐπεφαρμάκευσο for -κεύσω; and one ms. of Suid. agrees with this. Vollgraff, Berl. Phil. Woch. 32 (1912) p. 1592, accepts the simple verb rather than the compound, opposing Körte. No examples occur of ἐπιφαρμακεύω. φαρμακεύω Eur. Andr. 355, and later. In this sense Lxx 2 Chr. 33.6; Ps. 57(58).6. Acta. Thom. p. 244.22 Bonnet. Didach. 2.2. Epist. Abgari p. 281.11 Bonnet.

ἐπιχειμάζω 970 K. Phryn. 387L., 479R. ἐπιχειμάζεις σεαυτὸν Μένανδρος εἴρηκεν ἐπὶ τοῦ λυπεῖν, καὶ Ἀλεξανδρεῖς ὁμοίως. πειστέον δὲ τοῖς δοκίμοις τοῖς μηδ᾽ εἰδόσι τοὔνομα. Cf. Ammon. p. 146 χειμάζειν . . . τὸ ἐνοχλεῖν, ὡς Μένανδρος ἐν Ἡνιόχῳ (208 K.). The word appears Thuc. 1.89.2. Gemin. Elem. Astron. p. 68.

ἐργαστήριον Epitr. 149 Körte. The word is common in Attic but is used here in slang sense. The epithet ἐργαστήριον applied to a man is, as Van Leeuwen says ad loc., "id fere nunc quod στιγματία." The lines 147b—150a are rejected by Harberton. Capps ad loc. compares Lat. "carcer" (Ter. Ad. 373) and Eng. "tank". Cf. Catull. 42.130 o lutum, lupanar. Apul. Apol. 74 hic (est) totius calumniae fornacula, hic Aemiliani huius fax et flagellum.

ἐργώδης 60.2 K. Hesych. Poll. 3.131, 103; 5.105. Etym. Gud. 205.7. Lex. Sabbait. p. 6. Suidas. Zonaras Lex. 868. Hipp. Aph. 1245 H Foes.; 1249 B. Plat. Ep. 9.357 E. Xen. Mem. 1.36; 2.6.9. Arist. more than a dozen times: e. g. Pol.