Page:Vocabulary of Menander (1913).djvu/86

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παρὰ Μενάνδρῳ ἀντὶ τοῦ οἴκοι. II 463.31. Eust. 1907.50 Ἡρακλείδης . . . λέγει τοὺς Ἀττικοὺς τὴν οι δίφθογγον εἰς τὴν ει μετοποιεῖν, τὸ δυοῖν λέγοντας δυεῖν καὶ τὸ οἴκοι οἴκει καὶ τὸ ποῖος πεῖος. Kock comments "vix credo."

There is no reason why there should not have been a form οἴκει, as well as οἴκοι, as a locative. Brugmann accepts the form (Gr. Gram.3 p. 227; 4th ed., revised by Thumb, p. 267, al.). It corresponds exactly to ἐκεῖ, and Dor. τεῖδε, πεῖ, Cret. διπλεῖ. But the absence of any other examples of it shows that it was not an Attic form. Perhaps it was used by a foreigner; or possibly the grammarian was misled by an inaccurate manuscript. Schwyzer, Neue Jahrb. 5 (1900) p. 256, regards it as derived from οἴκοι by dissimilation.

οἰστράω 312 K. Plat. Phaedr. 251 D; Rep. 573 A; al. Arist. H. A. 8.19.602 a 26; 6.17.570 b 5; al. Theophr. fr. 174.5 Wimmer. Dion. H. A. R. 11.35.5. Dio Chr. Or. 7.134. Ael. N. A. 15.1; 15.9; al. The usual form is οἰστρέω, from which the other tenses are formed; e. g. οἰστρηθείς Eur. Bacch. 119.

ὄλολυς 1046 K. Phot. ὄλολυν· Μένανδρος τὸν γυναικώδη καὶ κατάθεον καὶ βάκηλον. Anaxandr. 34.4 K.

ὀλολύττω 1047 K. Phot. ὀλολύττω· οὐχὶ ὀλολύζω. Μένανδρος. No other example of this form has been found, and scholars have sought to explain how Phot. came to make the statement. The form in -ζω is the common one, and is attested further by many verbs of like formation and kindred meaning; e. g. οἴζω and compounds, κοκκύζω, αἰάζω, etc. The only verb at all similar is συρίττω.

Although the statement of Photius is clearly at fault, if meant as a guide to correct diction, it does not follow that he did not find the form in Menander. Its occurrence there might have been due to the fact that it was used by a foreigner. In Cretan and Elean the spelling -ττω is regular; cf. Cretan φροντίττω for φροντίζω, Elean νοστίττω for νοστίζω. Cf. also Hesych. ἄγκυρίττει· μεταμέλεται. Κρῆτες, and the Boeotian in Ar. Ach. 884 ἐπιχαρίττει.

ὀνθύλευσις 462.7 K. Poll. 6.60 αἱ δὲ περιτταὶ σκευασίαι, ὀνθυλείσεις καὶ μονθυλεύσεις ἐκαλοῦντο, ὡς καὶ παρὰ Μενάνδρῳ κτλ. ὀνθυλείω Alex. 37 K.; 84.5; 273.2. Diph. 90 K.; 119. Sotad. 1.15 K. Athenion 1.28 K.