Page:Vocabulary of Menander (1913).djvu/92

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cheating. Dionys. 4 K. Nicostr. 24 K. Title of a play by Amphis p. 244 K. Manetho 4.3. Theocr. 21.43. Mosch. 1.29. Diod. II 527. Joseph. B. J. 2.259. NT Matt. 27.63; 2 Cor. 6.8; al. Apollonid. ap. A. P. 7.702. Euseb. I p. 104.4 Heikel; 212.23. Vit. S. David 8. Ἐξήγ. τῶν πραχθ. ἐν Περσίδι p. 34.19 Bratke. Cic. Cluent. 26.72. Hor. Ep. 1.17.59. Petr. 82.2; 140.15.

πλέκω 1053 K. Phot. πέπλεκται· ἥττηται. Μένανδρος. Dobree conjectures πέπληκται, with which cf. Thuc. 3.18.10, al. Cf. Cobet, Mnem. 8(1859) pp. 50 f. Kock suggest πέπεκται; cf. ἐπέχθη Ar. Nub. 1356. But the meaning here seems entirely different.

πλοκαμίς 1056 K. Phot. πλοκαμίς· ὁ οὖλος βόστρυχος . . . καὶ ἡ τῶν τριχῶν ἐμπλοκή. Poll. 2.27. Lex. Vind. s. v. πλόκαμος. Eust. 1528.19 σκόλλυν μάλιστα δὲ Ἀττικοὶ πλοκαμίδα. Theocr. 13.7. Bion 1.18. Euphorion 52. Dion. H. A.R. 7.9.4. Hippias F H G IV p. 431. Joseph. A. J. 19.30. Ael. N. A. 16.11. Greg. Naz. Carm. 4.241; Orat. 11 p. 181 C de Billy. Rufin. ap. A. P. 5.47. Agathias Scholast. ib. 5.272. Schol. Ar. Thesm. 567. Epigr. Gr. 945.1 Kaibel.

Πλόκιον title of a play p. 114 K. Hesych. πλόκιον· εἶδος περιδεραίου. Phot. πλόκιον· ἀλυσίου χρυσείου πλοκή. Poll. 7.172. Etym. Magn. 782.17. Lxx Cant. 7.5 (6). Plut. Mor. 141 D. Eunap. p. 5 Boiss. Phryn. 260 L., 324 R. condemns the use of the word in the sense ὑπόθεσις πεπλεγμένη.

[πολύτιμος 601 K. πολύτιμοι θεοί, emended by Sylburg from ὦ πολυτίμητοι θεοί, for metrical reasons. The grammarians agree in denying to this word the meaning "highly honored"; see Ammon. 118, Lex. Vind. 154.4, Th. M. 297.5, Bachmann Anecd. Paris. II 379.21. No instance of the use appears in the literature to support the conjecture of Sylburg. Pap. Ox. III 412.28 shows this use, and also Epigr. Gr. 1027.30 Kaibel (c. 200 A.D.). The papyrus is called by the editors a fragment of the Κεστοί of Julius Africanus (IIIp). πολυτίμητος is good Attic: Ar. Nub. 269; al. Cf. F. W. Wright, Studies in Menander, 1911, pp. 11 f.]

πορνοκόπος 1057 K. Phryn. 415 L., 491 R. πορνοκόπος· οὕτω Μένανδρος. οἱ δ᾽ ἀρχαῖοι πορνότριψ λέγουσιν. So Th. M. Hesych. πορνοκόπος· ἑταιροτρόφος. πόρνος. Lxx Prov. 23.21. Liban. Decl. 27.10. Joan. Chrys. Hom. de Stat. 17 VI p. 579 ed. Eton.