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Yestreen I made my bed fu' braid
The night I'll mak' it narrow;
or a' the live-lang winter's night,
I lie twin'd o' my marrow.

O came you by yon water side,
Pu'd you the rose and lily?
Or came you by yon meadow green,
Or saw you my sweet Willy?

She sought him east, she sought him west,
She sought him broad and narrow,
Byne in the clifting o' a craig
She fand him drown'd in Yarrow.

How hard's the fate of Womankind.

How hard's the fate of womankind,

When I think on't, for a' that;

Though they meet a laddie to their mind,

They darena tell't, for a' that,
For a' that, and a' that,
And twice as meikle's a' that;
Though they lo'e the laddie e'er sae weel.
They dare na tell, for a' that.

The warld's sae censorious grown,

When I think on't, for a' that.</poem>