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coost my line in Largo Bay,
And fishes I catch'd nine;
There were three to boil, and three to fry,
And three to bait the line.
The boatie rows, the boatie rows
The boatie rows indeed,
And happy be the lot o' a',
Who wishes her to speed.

O weel may the boatie row,
That tills a heavy creel,
and cleeds us a' frae tap to tae,
And buys our parritch meal.
The boatie rows, the boatie rows,
The boatie rows indeed,
Ind happy be the lot o' a',
That wish the boatie speed.

When Jamie vow'd he wad be mine,
And wan frae me my heart,
muckle lighter grew my creel;
He swore we'd never part.
the boatie rows. the boatie rows,
The boatie rows fu' weel,
And muckle lighter is the load,
When love bears up the creel.
My kurtch I put upo' my head,
And dress'd mysel' fu' braw;