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              This kerchief he gave me, a true lover's token,
                Dear, dear to me was the gift for his sake!
              I wear't near my heart, but this poor heart is broken
                Hope died with Jamie, and left it to break.
              Sighing for him I lie down in the e'ening,
                Sighing for him, I awake in the morn;
              Spent are my days a' in secret repining,
                Peace to this bosom can never return:
              Oft have we wander'd in sweetest retirement,
                Telling our loves 'neath the moon's silent beam,
              Sweet were our meetings of tender endearment,
                But fled are these joys like a fleet-passing dream.
              Cruel remembrance, ah! why wilt thou wreck me,
                Brooding o'er joys that for ever are flown!
              Cruel remembrance, in pity forsake me,
                Flee to some bosom where grief is unknown!
                        O ARE YE SLEEPING MAGGIE.
                              O ARE you sleeping, Maggie,
                              O are you sleeping, Maggie,
                              Let me in, for loud the linn
                              Is roaring o'er the warlock craigie
                          Mirk and rainy is the night
                            No a starn in a' the carry,
                          Lightrings gleam athwart the lift,
                            And winds drive wi' winter's fury,
                                   O are you sleeping, Maggie, &c.
                          Fearful soughs the boortree bank,
                            The rifted woods roar wild and dreary,
                          Loud the iron yate does clank,
                            And cry of howlets make me eerie.
                                   O are you sleeping, Maggio, &c.