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Since the year 1791, the English faction and all the enemies of freedom have been brought to recognize that there exists a Republican party in France which will not negotiate with tyranny, and that this party is the people itself. The various massacres carried out against Republicans, the mass murder at Nancy, and the mass murder on the Champ de Mars will not suffice to destroy the Republic. Our enemies therefore determined to make war on the Republic and there followed the monstrous alliance between Austria and Prussia, and later the alliance of all the allies now united against us. But it would be an exaggeration to see nothing behind this mighty alliance than the babble and the machinations of the émigrés, who have wandered from country to country in the course of their intrigues against us. Not even the credit of the French court was sufficient to lay firm foundations for the alliance against us.

This alliance was produced above all by the labor, the support of certain factions which ruled France itself and which were afraid of the further evolution of things within the country.

In order to lead all the kings into this audacious enterprise against us, it was not enough to convince them that—with the exception of a small band of Republicans—the entire nation secretly hates the new régime, and that the entire nation would welcome them, the foreigners, as deliverers. It was not