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For a moment they forget their struggle in order to devote themselves to the immediate business of plundering France. And yet, this alliance is destined to fall to pieces. Austria will again find itself the deceived deceiver.

Together with the King of Prussia, the Empress of Russia has divided Poland, while the House of Hapsburg has been promised, as an indemnity, concessions in France, i.e., Alsace-Lorraine and French Flanders. Even the King of Sardinia has been promised a share in our dominions. But what was it possible to give to the Italian powers? Nothing! And the latter therefore resisted all entreaties and requests and yielded only at the end, or rather, they submitted to England's orders, and these orders were supported by the English fleet.

Among all the impostors who adorn themselves with the title of Emperor, King, or Minister, we consider Catherine of Russia and her Minister to be the most cunning. …

Russia's policy is categorically determined by the very nature of her situation. In this country, the characteristics of savage, barbarous hordes are fused into a single whole with the vices of civilized nations. The rulers of Russia have great power and great wealth; surrounded by barbarism, they yet have acquired the tastes and the ideas of Western Europe; they would love to be served and flattered