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yers were to be allowed in the colony, that the wheels of justice might aot be entirely blocked by ignorance of forms on the part of suitors, provided they undertook no unjust causes nor sought to interpose delays in the determination of suits.[1]

A full report was to be sent to Spain on the condition and resources of the country; the number, character, and treatment of the natives; the names, standing, and services of the conquerors and settlers, with the extent and nature of the encomiendas held. A score of inland towns and the seaports were designated as political centres, and a memorial should be sent in concerning the number of regidores, and the like, needed in these and in other cities and villas, together with a list of meritorious persons fit to hold these offices, conquerors being preferred. After reserving for the crown such lands and natives as might seem proper, and a further sufficient reservation being made for future settlers, the land and Indians remaining were to be apportioned equitably in encomiendas to deserving persons, subject to royal confirmation. The first preference must be given to conquerors, especially to married men, for they would be more likely to remain in the colony, and accord better treatment to the natives. As extravagance was a leading cause for oppressing the natives, the sumptuary laws must be enforced[2] and gambling restricted.[3]

The just amount of tribute to be paid by crown tenants and by natives belonging to the crown was to be fixed, and provinces where the precious metals and stones existed must be especially noted, the silver

    ordinarios, with direct appeal to the India Council. Every Saturday the president was to appoint two of the oidors, who should serve by turns, to inspect the common jail and that reserved for prisoners of state.

  1. The manner of taking testimony was prescribed, as well as the duties of all officials, and the audiencia was empowered to establish a free bill which should be posted in the audience chambers. The secretary might appoint his own deputies, and the porter of the audiencia was to act as court-crier. Puga, Cedulario, 9, 10, 18, 19, 22-33.
  2. Silken clothing was forbidden.
  3. Dice could on no account be used, and at cards none must exceed stakes to the amount of 10 pesos in one day.