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    Padilla, with somewhat less skill than might be expected from the author's high reputation. The latter follows Tello to a great extent, and his work does not show extensive research. Other works which mention the expedition are the following: Escovedo, in Soc. Mex. Geog., vii. 5, 6; Gil, in Id., viii. 477-80; García, in Id., viii. 23; Payno, in Id., 2a ép. i. 797-801, ii. 137-8; Hernandos y Dávalos, in Id., 2a ép. iii. 187-8; Romero, Not. Mich., 122, 186, 193, 197-8, Museo Mex., iv. 115; Chimalpain, Hist. Conq., 184-6; Moreno, Frag., 8, 9, 30; Escudero, Not. Son., 25-6; Ternaux-Compans, Voy., série i. tom. ix. 286, etc.; Burney's Chron. Hist. Voy., i. 165, 169-70; Galvino's Discov., 40; West-Ind. Spieghel, 334-50; Gallatin, in Nouv. An. Voy., cxxxi. 240-1; Davis' El Gringo, 58-9; Laet, Novvs Orbis., 284-6; Domenech's Deserts, i. 168; Gottfriedt, N. Welt, 605; Society Amér., i. 35-52; Rivera, Gob. Mex., i. 18, 24-5; Larenaudière, Mex. et Guat., 144; Puga, Cedulario, 80, etc.; Dicc. Univ., ix.-x.; Greenhow's Memoirs, 25, etc.; Parra, Conq. Xal. x. MS., 76; Rivera, Descrip. Zac., pt. ii. 1-5; Alegre, Hist. Comp. Jesus, i. 204; Gonzalez Dávila, Teatro Ecles., i. 178-9; Alaman, Disert., i. app. 27-8; Brasseur de Bourburg, Hist. Nat. Civ., iv. 744-53; Camargo, Hist. Tlax., 182; Zamacois, Hist. Méj., iv. 476-7, 489-90, 493-515; Morelli, Fasti Novi Orbis, 21; Romero, in Soc. Mex. Geog., Boletin, viii. 538, ix. 15, 85-6; Archivo Mex., Doc., i. 362-3, ii. 201-2; Monumentos Hist. Polit., MS., 8, 9; Monumentos Domin. Esp., MS., 239-40; Russell's Hist. Am., i. 381; Voyages, Selection of Curious, 39; Santos, Chron. Hospit., ii. 445; Jalisco, Mem. Hist., 34-62; Gordon's Anc. Mex., ii. 248-9; Expl. del Codex. Tel. Rem., in Kingsborough's Mex. Antiq., V. 155; Dillon, Beautés, 39-61; Pimentel, Mem., 96.