Page:Vol 2 History of Mexico by H H Bancroft.djvu/645

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better the viceroy should be deposed; and so the licenciados Jarava, Alonso Muñoz, and Luis Carrillo were despatched to Mexico as jueces pesquisidores, or royal commissioners, armed with a peremptory order to Falces to turn over the government to them, and forthwith proceed to Spain, there to answer the charges preferred against him. Jarava died at sea; the other two entered the capital early in October 1567,[1] and demanded the government from Falces. We may well imagine his indignation at this insult so unjustly and cruelly inflicted; but he obeyed the royal command, and then labored to ascertain the cause of it. He soon discovered the trick that Ortuño de Ibarra had played him, and at once made it public. Much regret was felt at his deposal. The so lately dreadful conspiracy was by this time almost forgotten.

Muñoz, a man of advanced age, being senior in rank as well as in years, took charge of affairs. Flushed with power, Muñoz began to show his character, that of an inflexible, haughty, and cruel man. He aped royalty, ignored the audiencia, distrusted the oidores, and treated with discourtesy all having business with him. His subordinates he regarded with contempt, and a distant bow was all he deigned to gentlemen of high position. When riding out he was escorted by twenty-four halberdiers.[2]

Early in November Muñoz and Carrillo devoted their whole attention to the proceedings in the political trials. Muñoz as a councillor of the Indies had already acted at Madrid in the cases ordering torture to be inflicted on Cristóbal de Oñate, whom the audiencia of Mexico had sent there. This man, to escape the horrors of the torture, made confessions implicating a number of innocent persons. He was brought back to be used both as witness and victim.

  1. All the authorities agree upon the time except Vetancvrt, Trat. Mex., 9, who gives their arrival in March 1568.
  2. 'Queria hacer guerra al sabia baxar la cabeça á la Tierra... debia de creer, que los Hombres eran bestias.' Torquemada, i. 637.