Page:Vol 2 History of Mexico by H H Bancroft.djvu/91

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different Spanish settlements. Sandoval, then pacifying and settling the Goazacoalco region, was told to attend the conference to be held at Villa Rica in his character of alguacil mayor. He was also secretly instructed to take a respectable force, and further, to immediately install a municipality at Medellin, so as to increase the number of trustworthy delegates and render the issue more sure.[1]

Accompanied by Andrés de Tapia and a considerable force, Sandoval met the commissioner and Father Melgarejo at Jalapa, on the way to Mexico, whither the prospect of a strong support from Alderete and his party seems to have called him. The latter spared no argument or threat to induce Sandoval to join him; but the loyal lieutenant replied bluntly that he would never stoop to treason against his leader,[2] who for that matter did not oppose his claims, but had summoned the different local authorities to examine them and accord due obedience. From what he had heard of Cortés' summary way of treating opponents, Tapia was pleased with having to deal only with his representatives. In any case there was too much persuasion in Sandoval's tone, with bristling accompaniment, for Tapia to do aught but return to Villa Rica. The lieutenant's first step was to appease with appropriate favors those of the settlers who appeared to have greeted the new-comer with too much cordiality. Further, in order to withdraw the council from all pernicious influence, he caused it to assemble at Cempoala.[3] The members consisted of Francisco Álvarez Chico, alcalde of Villa Rica; Jorge de Alvarado, and Simon de Cuenca, regidores; Bernardo

  1. While mentioning this, Herrera assumes that Cortés instructed Andrés de Tapia to leave Villa Rica for the purpose of establishing the town. Mejia agrees with Bernal Diaz that Sandoval founded it, though he states that it was done now, to give authority to the alcaldes and regidores appointed by Cortés. Cortés, Residencia, 1. 83-4.
  2. 'Que los Gouernadores de Castilla, que lo auian embiado estauan mal informados . . . y no tomauan el camino necessario.' Herrera, dec. iii. lib. iii. cap. xvi. But Sandoval was too prudent to make so meddlesome a reply.
  3. Some believe it to have been held at Villa Rica; others, like Oviedo, iii. 517, at Jalapa; but its lately published records mention Cempoala.