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oath in form[1] on the 17th of June, the reëstablishment of freedom of the press was published, and the junta de censura was constituted, the same persons who were appointed in 1813 being elected;[2] the acordada, inquisition, and other privileged jurisdictions were suppressed, the administration of justice being established in accordance with the decree of the córtes of that year; and the corporations and authorities prescribed by the constitution were organized, as soon as possible. The election of members to form the constitutional ayuntamiento of the capital took effect on the 18th of June, a few Spaniards being chosen.[3]

On the 18th of September the election of deputies to the ordinary session for 1820-21, of the national congress, and to the diputacion provincial[4] took place with no little disorder, but with less enthusiasm than that shown in the former constitutional epoch. The choice fell almost exclusively on ecclesiastics and lawyers, with a sprinkling of soldiers, merchants, and men of no particular calling, among whom were three natives of Spain, namely, Colonel Matías Martin y Aguirre, comandante of Michoacan, chosen for San Luis Potosí, Tomás Murphy, and Andrés del Rio for Mexico.[5] These deputies arrived at Madrid after the second session of the córtes had begun.

  1. The archbishop and his chapter on June 1st, and later, from day to day, the courts, officials, corporations, religious communities of both sexes, etc. The 9th of that month was appointed for the solemn promulgation. Gaz. de Mex., 1820, xi. 547, 553-5, 677-8; Noticioso Gen., 1821, Feb. 16; La Cruz, vii. 548.
  2. The junta consultiva of Madrid on the 10th of March, and Apodaca in his edict of June 19th, urgently recommend writers to use the liberty granted with moderation, in enlightening the government and in promoting national welfare. Gaz. de Mex., 1820, xi. 591-4, 697-711.
  3. The election took place pursuant to the viceroy's decree of June 14th. Dispos. Var., ii. 42-3.
  4. The territory within the jurisdiction of the junta preparatoria did not include Yucatan or Nuevo Leon, which were to have juntas of their own. The district of that junta comprised the following provinces: Mexico, Puebla, Oajaca, Guanajuato, Valladolid, Vera Cruz, and San Luis Potosí; Tlascala was constituted together with Huejocingo as a province detached from Puebla, and Querétaro another, separate from Mexico. The total population to be represented was set down at 2,886,238 souls; at the rate of one deputy for every 70,000, there were awarded to said district 41 deputies. Gaz. de Mex., 1820, xi. 683-8.
  5. At the installation of the córtes on the 9th of July, New Spain was rep-