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foreign commerce was not benefited, and the government had to yield to the incessant representations made to it. On the 16th of February, therefore, it decreed that money might be shipped abroad, but only for commercial purposes and with the cognizance and permission of the regency. All these measures were in distinct violation of article 15 of the treaty of Córdoba.

A full statement of the income and expenses of the treasury for the first four months of the independence was published in January 1822. From the official sheets it appears that the total receipts amounted to $1,274,695 and the expenditures to $1,272,458, leaving a balance of $2,237,[1] with which to commence the coming year.

After the occupation of the capital, it was found necessary to reorganize the army, no little disorder having been the consequence of the change in affairs. Officers' badges had been changed, and the devices of the banners altered; some regiments retained their old names, while others adopted new ones; desertion had greatly thinned the ranks, and arms were surreptitiously carried away; discipline was relaxed, numbers, abandoned the active service for other employments, and confusion generally prevailed. On the 7th of November the generalissimo issued orders for the

  1. Thus exhibited: Receipts.
    From ordinary sources $966,724
    Donations 30,904
    Voluntary loan. 277,067
    ———— $1,274,695
    Infantry $333,107
    Cavalry 408,669
    Army arrears 230,937
    Freight for army 19,325
    Iturbide's salary 108,462
    Government departments 150,005
    Cuerpos facultativos 21,953
    ———— $1,272,458
    Balance 2,237

    Gac. Imp. Mex., i. 452-3.