Page:Vol 6 History of Mexico by H H Bancroft.djvu/35

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tionable pastoral from the diocese of Puebla caused the exile of two canons. In many towns the priests forbade the reading of Pizarro's political catechism, which the government had declared a text-book.[1] The conduct of the clerical party became so alarming that congress at last created a committee of safety, clothed with ample powers, and the president was authorized on the 7th of June to suspend personal rights.[2]

Zuloaga, who had escaped from Mexico, to which place he had quietly gone before Miramon's downfall, had joined Cobos and Vicario, and with over 1,000 men came as near as Cuernavaca. He now called himself president, and appointed a cabinet, with Vicario, Miranda, Olavarría, and Marcelino Cobos as his ministers.[3] Marquez and Mejía were defeated by Degollado on the 2d of March at Las Guayabitas. Lozada was routed in his stronghold, but showed no signs of yielding. Toward the end of March a pronunciamiento at Tampico was defeated and the leaders were shot.[4] Marquez with his reactionists attempted the capture of Querétaro, but was driven away by the timely arrival of the liberal general Antillon.

The regions of Mexico, Puebla, San Luis Potosí, and other places were overrun by hostile forces. The executions of Degollado and Valle, the latter of whom had been captured on the 23d of June, stirred the liberals. The government seemed to experience a shock as from a galvanic battery. Martial law, permanent courts-martial, quick trials and punishments, and other violent proceedings were urgently demanded,

  1. There were, besides, constant bickerings between the parish priests and governors on the civil registration law.
  2. That law was repealed, except as regarded political offenders, by decree of Oct. 12, 1861.
  3. Boletin de Notic., Jan. 3, 7, 1861; Le Trait d'Union, Feb. 7, 1861; Rivera, Hist. Jalapa, v. 387.
  4. Boletin de Notic., Jan. 13 to Apr. 3, 18, 1861, passim; Le Trait d'Union, Feb. 16 to March 30, 1861, passim; El Amigo del Pueblo, March 2 to Apr. 4, 1861; Cuad. Sinópt., in Vega Doc., 4.