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Idols, i. 8-9, 27, 80, 163-4, 200, 238, 247, 254, 277, 295-7, 315-16, 346-50, 353-4, 408, 449, 527, 585, 632-4, 657; ii. 178-9.
Iglesias, J. M., works of, vi. 71-2, 434; minister of justice, 1863, vi. 110; minister of govt, 1868, vi. 367; manifesto, etc., of, vi. 425; assumes the executive, 1876, vi. 426; negotiations with Diaz, vi. 429-33; recognized as president, vi. 431; forces, etc., of, vi. 432; self-banishment, 1877, vi. 433.
Iguala, plan of, proclaimed, 1821, iv. 709-10; opposition to, 1822, 709.
Ilarregui, J. S., comisario of Yucatan, etc., 1864, vi. 410.
Ilarregui, S., minister of gobernacion, 1866, vi. 225.
Illueca, J. I. C, cabinet minister, 1823, v. 3.
'Ilustrador Americano,' published, 1811, iv. 346.
Immaculate Conception, brotherhood of, established, iii. 135-6.
Immigration, restrictions on, iii. 745. 'Imperio y la Intervencion,' vi. 279.
Impilcingo, Olid's exped. to, ii. 58-9.
Inca, the ransom of, iii. 571-4.
Inclan, Comandante-general, misconduct of, 1830, 105; defence of Puebla, 1845, v. 275-6.
Independence, birth of, in Mex., 1810, iv. 115-18.
India council, Loaisa, president of, ii. 239; prohibits slavery in Yucatan, 1549, ii. 450; Guzman appeals to, ii. 460; restricts encomiendas, 1566, ii. 617; Fonseca's administration, ii. 91.
Indians, epidemics among, i. 541-2; ii. 529; aptness to learn, ii. 171; musical talent, ii. 171-2; acquire mechanical arts, ii. 172; artistic ability, ii. 173; catholic rites, etc., among, ii. 174-84; inspector-general appointed, 1526, ii. 241-2; branding of, ii. 287; reforms in treatment of, 1530, ii. 330-3; encomiendas regulated, 1542-3, ii. 519-20; condition bettered, 1551, ii. 564-72, 574; tribute doubled, 1563, ii. 586-7; decline of population, ii. 767; spoliation of, 767-71; intermarry with negroes, 772; public hiring of, iii. 17-18; decree concerning, 1609, iii. 18-19; management of, iii. 524-6; physique, iii. 733; oppression of, 746-8; race stigma, 750-1; rights ignored, iv. 504; exempt from tribute, 1814, iv. 598-9; present condition, etc., of, vi. 609-13.
Indias Occidentales, title to, iii. 517.
Indigo, production, etc., of, iii. 620; vi. 574-5.
Indulgences, sale of, iii. 503.
Inga, A., 'West-Indische Spieghel,' i. 90-1.
Innocent X., Palafox's appeal to, 1647, iii. 125-6, 129-32.
Inquisition, establd. 1571, ii. 675-8; early acts, ii. 675-6; Landa's cruelties, ii. 676-7; jurisdiction, ii. 678; autos-de-fé, ii. 679-81; iv. 38; evils of the, ii. 681; iii. 700-1; suppressed, 1813, iii. 701; iv. 503-4; officials, iv. 39; restored, 1814, iv. 503-4.
Insurance, regulations for, iii. 643; companies establd., iii. 643.
Intendencias, names, 1787, iii. 452; 1804, iii. 455; organization, iii. 452-3; objections to, iii. 453-4; appointments, iii. 455; area, iii. 45; population, iii. 455; changes in, iii. 482.
Intendentes, jurisd. of, iii. 455; powers, iii. 520.
International Boundary Commission, 1883, vi. 447.
Iriarte. P. S., minister of justice, 1847, v. 524.
Iriarte, R,., biog., iv. 210; treachery of, 214-15.
Iribarren, J. M., minister of fomento, 1867, vi. 334.
Irisarri, Brigadier S., mention of, iv. 357; comand. of Puebla, 1812, iv. 382; defence of Zacatecas, 1813, iv. 541.
Iron, manufact. of, iii. 620.
Iron-mines, location of, iii. 586-7. Irrigation, necessity for, etc., vi. 563-4.
Isabel, Point, Taylor's hdqrs. 1846, v. 346-8.
Iseca y Alvarado, A. de la, gov. of Yucatan, 1677, iii. 162.
Isla Blanca, Grijalva names, i. 26.
Isla de Pinos, Cortés' flag-ship stranded upon, i. 67.
Isla Liceaga, capture of, 1812, iv. 393-4.
Isla de Sacrificios, Grijalva names, i. 26.
Isla Triste, see Isla del Cármen.
Isla Verde, Grijalva names, i. 26.
Italy, the empire of Maximilian, vi. 96-7; relations with Mex., 1808, vi. 358; treaty with, 1874, vi. 415; 1883. vi. 455.