Page:Vol 6 History of Mexico by H H Bancroft.djvu/745

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Jarauta, Padre C, the Padres revolt, 1848, v. 548-9; execution of, v. 549.
Jaujilla, junta of, iv. 654.
Jaujilia, Fort, capture of, 1817, iv. 691-2; plan, iv. 692.
Jáurequi, M. F. de, minister of gobernacion, 1858, v. 745.
Jerécuaro, capture of, 1812, iv. 428.
Jerez, presidio founded, 1570, ii. 655.
Jeronimite, Fathers, mention of, i. 2-3, 16.
Jesuits, arrival, 1572, ii. 699-702; abandon Florida, ii. 699-700; pioneer members, ii. 701; colleges establ'd by, ii. 703-4; iii. 11719, 135; vi. 633; novitiate, ii. 7045; progress of, ii. 699-709; iii. 136, 427-30; ill feeling toward, 1618, iii. 30-1; intrigues of, iii. 42; field of labors, iii. 116-17; wealth, iii. 119-20; disputes with, iii. 120-1, 428-31; quarrel with Palafox, iii. 121-32; pope decides against, 1648, iii. 129-32; resist payment of tithes, iii. 134-5; established brotherhood of the Immaculate Conception, iii. 135-36; in Lower California, iii. 265-7; in Nayarit, iii. 32031; tithes, iii. 428-31; royal decree against, 1767, iii. 432-7; expulsion, iii. 438-42; restored, 1819, iii. 4407; again expelled, 1821, 447; records of, iii. 446-9.
Jewelry, manufact., etc., of, iii. 622.
Jews, expelled, ii. 333.
Jilotepec, engagement at, 1815, iv. 612.
Jimenez, Father F., arrival of, 1524, ii. 164-5; preaches in Aztec, ii. 174.
Jimenez, J. M., minister of justice, 1846, v. 299.
Jímenez, Gen. M., advance on Valladolid, iv. 166; commands artillery at Las Graces, iv. 180; victory of, 1810, iv. 240; captures Saltillo, iv. 240; victory at Saltillo, 1811, iv. 268; capture of, iv. 274; trial, iv. 277-9; execution, iv. 279.
Jocotitlan, subjugation of, 1811, iv. 326.
Jocotlan, Mercado occupies, ii. 54950; raids upon, ii. 550-1.
Jorrin, P., minister of the treasury, 1858, v. 745.
Journals, iv. 346, 464-6, 781; v. 5, 6, 35, 80, 103, 530, 557, 691, 706, 712, 716-17; vi. 70, 351, 359, 402, 41718, 641-2, 650.
Juarez, B. P., minister of justice, 1855, v. 667; v. 670-1; gov. of Oajaca, 1856, v. 716, 741; chief-justice, 1857, v. 721; arrest, etc., of, v. 724, 727, 735-6; govt of, 1858, v. 736-7; biog., v. 730-41; recognition of, by U. S., v. 765; measures, 1859, v. 767-8, 790; 1861, vi. 29-30; 1862-4, vi. 53, 60-1, 71-2, 108-9, 130-2, 350-3; president, 1861, v. 795; vi. 17; recognition of by allied plenipotentiaries, vi. 40; outcry against, 1864, vi. 12,8-9; flight to Chihuahua, vi. 165-7; position of, 1865, vi. 202-7, entry into Mex., vi. 348-9; manifesto, vi. 349; polit. organizations, etc., against, ri. 354-5, reëlected president, 1867, vi. 356; 1871, vi. 376-8; foreign policy, vi. 355-6; insurrections against, vi. 365-6; polit. opposition to, vi. 3156-8; death of, 1872, vi. 385-6; obsequies, etc., vi. 386-8; writings oi, vi. 388-9; review of career, vi. 389.
Juarez, J., drawings of, vi. 645.
Juarez, Friar J., arrival of, 1524, ii. 164-5.
Juarez, L., paintings of, vi. 645.
Juarez, Bros R., paintings of, vi. 615-6.
Judicial system, description of, iii. 539-49.
Judiciary, corruption of the, v. 104.
Jueces conservadores, functions of, iii. 123; condemn Palafox, 1647, iii. 124-5; arrive at Puebla, 1647, iii. 127.
Juntas, iv. 46-51, 72-3, 75, 80; 84-9. 256-7, 262, 334-6, 321-2, 354, 417-19, 454, 460-1, 465, 491, 653-4, 691-2, 697, 699, 734-5, 745-56, 785; v. 752-3, 785, 791, 796; vi. 77-9, 84.
Jurien, Admiral, plenipotentiary to Mex., 1862, vi. 32, 35-6; instructions, 33.
Justice, courts of, iii. 541-2; administ. of, iii. 547; iv. 503-5; vi 483-7.


Kearny, Gen., exped. to Cal., v. 404; battle of Churubusco, v. 487.
Kératry, E. G., works of, vi. 278-9.
King, prerogatives of the, iii. 517-18; head of church, iii. 684-6.