Page:Vol 6 History of Mexico by H H Bancroft.djvu/753

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Mexico, city, ancient arms of, i. 13; Aztec capital, i. 96-7; Cortes' march to, i. 191-287; description of, 1519, i. 275-9; 1800, iii. 473-8; plans of, i. 280; ii. 14; v. 499; vi. 219; la noche triste, i. 463-81; siege of, 1521, i. 613-88; rebuilding, etc., of, ii. 8-18; population, 1524-1600, ii. 17, 759; 1790, iii. 470; privileges, ii. 17-18; civil commotions at, 1525, ii. 211-14; improvements in, ii. 382-3; iii. 889, 186, 350; first church in, ii. 3878; cathedral of, ii. 389; iii. 173-8; map of archdiocese, ii. 555; inundated, 1553, ii. 592-3; dike constructed, 1553, ii. 593; factious brawls in, 1565, ii. 605-6; flooded, 1589, ii. 659-60; 1607, iii. 8; 1627-9, iii. 85-7; 1689, iii. 227-8; Velasco embellishes, ii. 759; proposed removal of site, iii. 7, 87-8; aqueduct completed, iii. 28; under interdict, 1624, iii. 58-9; revolt against Gelves, iii. 59-64; interdict removed, iii. 64; punishment of rioters, iii. 75-6; condition, etc., of, 1692, iii. 232-5; corn riot in, 1692, iii. 23248; earthquakes in, 1711, iii. 285-6; 1787, iii. 460; 1800, iii. 498; 1845, v. 282-3; famine, etc., in, 1714, iii. 286; disturbances in, 1808, iv. 58; garrison, etc., of, 1810, iv. 160, 186; alarm in, iv. 185-7; condition of, 1812, iv. 360; mutiny at, 1821, iv. 717-18; occupied by revolutionists, 1821. iv. 731-2; Lobato's revolt, 1824, v. 12-13; a federal district, 1824, v. 25-26; pillage in, 1828, v. 43; revolt in, 1829, v. 91; invested by Santa Anna, 1832, v. 119-20; martial law in, 1833, v. 119, 133; 1847, v. 525, 529; 1860, v. 792; 1863, vi. 71; federalist revolt in, 1840, v. 220-3; occupied by Santa Anna, 1841, v. 234-6; revolt against Santa Anna, 1844-5, v. 272-7; revolts in, 1846, v. 299, 305; defences of, v. 472; occupation by Scott, 1847, v. 519-21; industrial exhibition in, 1849, v. 593; occupation, etc., by Marquez, 1859, v. 761-4; by Ortega, 1860, v. 795; by the French, 1863, vi. 74; siege of, by republicans, 1867, vi. 342-7. Mexico, state of, congress of, installed, 1824, v. 22; revolt in, 1 330, v. 103; republican operations in, 1866, vi. 262-3; curtailment of terr., etc., vi. 370.
Mexico, valley of, early civilization in, i. 94-7; location, i. 95; map of, i. 583; lakes of, described, iii. 8; drainage of, iii. 8-11; vi. 564-7. Meztitlan, revolt at, suppressed, ii. 74.
Michelena, J. M. de, plot of, iv. 4023; member of the executive, 18234, v. 2, 8, 12; minister of war, 1837, v. 181.
Micheltorena, Gen., battle of Buena Vista, v. 425; campaign in Yucatan, 1850-1, v. 586.
Michoacan, visited by Parrillas, ii. 44-5; maps of, ii. 343, 692; iii. 463; iv. 511; v. 264; invaded by Guzman, 1529, ii. 344-50; province of, created, 1534, ii. 391; diocese of, established, 1536, ii. 391-3; condition of, 1532, ii. 470-1; Quiroga's reforms in, 1533, ii. 471-2; church affairs, in, 1565-1602, ii. 692-4; Jesuits enter, 1573, ii. 707-8; Franciscan province founded, etc., in, ii. 718-19; Valladolid the capital of, 1580, ii. 774; mining in, iii. 592; bishopric of, iv. 167; extent of, iv. 170; revolution in, 1811-13, iv. 323, 422-3, 511-13, 518-21, 538-40; campaign in, 1812, iv. 384-6; 1817, iv. 653-5; revolt in, 1830, v. 103; 1833, v. 132-5; factions, etc., in, 1851, v. 607; republican operations in, 1866, vi. 25861, insurrection in, 1874-5, vi. 412 — 13.
Mier, Col ii., defeat of, at Urepctiro, 1811, iv. 247-8; operations at Oajaca, 1812, iv. 483-4.
Mier, Dr S. T. de, biog., iv. 451; writings, 451-2; return from exile, iv. 780; imprisoned in Ulúa, iv. 780-1; opposition to Iturbide, iv. 781; opposes federation, v. 11-12.
Military commissions, created, 1813, iv. 491; espionage, iv. 501-2.
Militia, iii. 250, 402-14, 487-9.
Mimiahuapan, affair at, 1813, iv. 534.
Mina, F. J., biog., iv. 659-60; exped., 1817, iv. 659-80; character, iv. 667; capture, iv. 680-1, execution, iv. 681-2; causes of failure, iv. 682-3.