Page:Vol 6 History of Mexico by H H Bancroft.djvu/761

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Peza, C. G. de la, minister of the treasury, 1859, v. 766-7.
Peza, I. de la, 'Maximiliano,' vi. 327.
Pezuela, Gen. R., minister of war, 1851, v. 597; plan of, 1858, v. 750-2; biog., v. 751.
Philippine Islands named, ii. 512; exped. to, 1 564-5, ii. 599-601; Jesuits locate in, 1585, ii. 709; commerce with, ii. 743-4; iii. 632-4.
Philiponus, Friar H., works of, ii. 189.
Piaxtla, affair at, 1813, iv. 552-3. Picaluga, plot of, 1830, v. 96-8. Pie de Palo, pirate leader, iii. 83, 145.
Pierce, Gen., battle of Churubusco, v. 484-5; of Chapultepec, v. 515.
Pillow, Gen., battle of Cerro Gordo, v. 456-8; of Padierna, v. 476-7; of Churubusco, v. 483-5; of Molino del Rey, v. 504; of Chapultepec, v. 507-14.
Pineda, A. A., exped. to New Spain, i. 189-90; to Pánuco, i. 538; death of, i. 538.
Pino, Capt., gallantry at Las Cruces, iv. 178,
Piñones, Defile of, engagement at, 1811, iv. 307.
Pinos, town, capture of, 1817, iv. 666.
Pinotl, cacique, meeting with Grijalva, etc., i. 112-13.
Pizarro, F., treasure obtained by, iii. 570-5.
Plans, Mexico, ii. 14; v. 499; vi. 219; port of Acapulco, ii. 25; Vera Cruz, iii. 193; v. 198, 443; San Juan de Ulúa, iii. 213; palace of Mexico, iii. 234; city of Zacatecas, iii. 305; Querétaro, iv. 97; Alhóndiga de Granaditas, iv. 140; Las Cruces, iv. 177; Aculco, iv. 199; Guanajuato, iv. 218; Calderon, iv. 251; Cuautla, iv. 362; Oajaca, iv. 484; Mt Cóporo, iv. 609; Fort Jaujilla, iv. 692; Vera Cruz harbor, v. 64; Puebla, v. 121; San Jacinto, v. 172; San Juan de Ulua, v. 193; Tampico, v. 213; Perote, v. 278; Matamoros, v. 351; Palo Alto, v. 354; Monterey, v. 381; Buena Vista, v. 421; Cerro Gordo, v. 454; Puebla, v. 680; Cinco de Mayo battle-ground, vi. 48; Vera Cruz and harbor, vi. 143; Oajaca City, vi. 189; Matamoros and vicinity, vi. 199; Tampico, vi. 253; battle of Miahuatlan, vi. 259; Queretaro, vi. 273; Puebla, vi. 339.
Poinsett, J. R., American minister, 1825, v. 32-3, 48; charge against, v. 33; character, etc., v. 48; writings, v. 48; recall of, 1829, v. 81-2; the Texas question, v. 322-3.
Polk, President, Mex. policy of, v. 337-8, 340, 368; Mex. war, v. 5468.
Polygamy, difficulties in suppressing, ii. 176-7.
Ponce, Friar A., mission to Mexico, 1584, ii. 717; conflict with provincial, ii. 717-18.
Ponce de Leon, L., appointed judge, 1525, ii. 243-4; royal instructions to, 1525, ii. 244-6; suspends Cortes, etc., 1526, ii. 249; death of, 1526, ii. 249-51.
Popocatepetl, name, i. 255; ascents of, i. 256-7; ii. 29-31; eruption of, 1665, iii. 179.
Population, of Vera Cruz, 1777, iii. 209; of Vera Cruz intendencia, 1800, iii. 218; of Córdoba, 1746, iii. 218; 1810, iii. 219; of Mex. City, 1692, iii. 233; 1790, iii. 470-1; of Nueva Galicia, 1750-1800, iii. 304; of Zacatecas, iii. 306; of Aguascalientes, 1794, iii. 307; of Fresnillo, 1794, iii. 307; of San Luis Potosí, iii. 308; of Nuevo Leon, 1810, etc., iii. 338; of Nuevo Santander, iii. 346; of intendencia of Mex., 1790, iii. 470; estimates of, iii. 734-6; census, 1793-4, iii. 734; 1810, iii. 737; decrease in, iii. 738-9; distribution of, iii. 739-40.
Porlier, Comandante R., command of, iv. 160; operations of, 1811, iv. 3234, 337-8; 1812, iv. 355-6, 413, 4789.
Porter, Commod. D. D., operations of, 1825-6, v. 65.
Portilla, Gen. N. de la, minister of war, 1867, vi. 334; 'España en México,' iii. 778.
Portillo, Gov., uprising against, 185], v. 607-8.
Portugal, peace with, 1801, iii. 503; relations with, 1879, vi. 441.
Portugal, G., mention of, iv. 237.
Portugal, Bishop J. C, minister of justice, 1834, v. 141.
Portuguese, persecution of, ii. 681; Escalona's partiality to, iii. 104-5; feeling against, iii. 105-6.
Posada, Dr M., archbishop of Mex., v. 291; biog., etc., v. 291.