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Torre, Capt. J. B. de la, operations of, iv. 326-7; death of, 1811, iv. 327.
Torre, M. de la, defence of Maximilian, vi. 308.
Torrejon, Gen., campaign on the Rio Grande, v. 350-6; the Monterey campaign, v. 380; battle of Buena Vista, v. 428-9.
Torre Valdés y Gamboa, de la, capitan protector of Nayarit, 1720, iii. 317-20; gov. 1721, iii. 320-5; exped. of, 1721, 321-4.
Torres, Gen. J. A., character, 203-4; operations of, 1810, iv. 203-8; action at Pátzcuaro, 1811, iv. 312; defeated near Zipiméo, 1811, iv. 337; capture of, iv. 388; execution, iv. 388.
Torres, Padre, leader of revolution, iv. 657; character, iv. 669; defeat at Fort Sombrero, 1817, iv. 674; besieged at Los Remedios, 1817, iv. 676-7, 483-5; outrages of, iv. 6934; death of, iv. 694.
Torres y Rueda, M. de, 20th viceroy, 1648, iii. 127, 137; bishop of Yucatan, 1644, iii. 137; rule, 164849, iii. 137-8; death of, 1649, iii. 138; property sequestered, 138-9.
Tortolitas, combats at, 1814-1815, iv. 636-7.
Totonacs, subjugated by Aztecs, i. 97; Cortes among, i. 141-51; revolt against Aztecs, i. 147-50, 154-9; allies of Cortes, i. 191-2.
Totoquihuatzin, II., conspires against Cortes, i. 329; death of, i. 543.
Touron, Father, works of, ii. 190-1.
Townley, Capt., cruise of, 1685-6, iii. 205-7.
Trade, see Commerce.
Travel, vi. 626-7.
Treasure obtained by Grijalva, i. 30; discovered by Cortes, i. 297-8; obtained by Cortes, i. 313, 341-3, 470, 477-8, 488, 679, 683, 691; division of, i. 343-6; ii. 5; shipments of, 1690-1807, iii. 503, 678; 1808, iv. 76; convoys attacked, 1812, iv. 386, 392-3; 1813, iv."554; 1814, iv. 584; seizure, etc., of, 1822, iv. 785; v. 4; 1860, v. 787-8, 791.
Treasure fleet, wrecked, ±553, ii. 5934; captured by Dutch, 1628, iii. 823; measures to protect, iii. 141; varied fortunes of, 1654-1702, iii. 143-5, 258-70.
Treasury, organization of department, iii. 651-2; regulations for, iii. 651-4; officials, iii. 652-4; receipts, 16441809, iii. 675-8; deficit, 1822, iv. 763; measures for replenishing, 1823, v. 3-4; deficits, etc., 1849-51; v. 563-6.
Treaties, of Córdoba, 1821, iv. 728; Zavaleta, 1832, v. 123-4; claims, 1838, v. 316-19; 1843, v. 319-22; of Guadalupe Hidalgo, 1848, v. 53943; Gadsden, 1853-4, v. 652-3; McLane-Ocampo, 1859, v. 773-5; with the U. S., 1883, vi. 447; with Germany, 1883, vi. 455; with Italy, 1883, vi. 455; with Belgium, 1883, v. . 455; with Spain, 1883, vi. 455.
Trejo, Capt., defection of, 1813, iv. 531.
Tres Palos, engagement at, 1811, iv. 300.
Tresguerras, Architect F. E., mention of, vi. 648.
Treviño, Gen., siege of Querétaro, 1867, vi. 277-8; defeat of, 1872, vi. 382-3.
Tribunal de Azogues, organization of, iii. 583.
'Trinidad,' affair of the, 1879, vi. 440-1.
Trinidad, pueblo, founded, 1722, iii. 329.
Tris Island, presidio at, iii. 419. Trist, Commissioner N. P., mission of, 1847, v. 463; quarrel with Scott, v. 463-5; negotiations, v. 493-5; treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, v. 539-40.
Triumvirate appointed, 1823, v. 2; measures of, v. 2-8.
Trujano, Col, battle of Cinco de Mayo, 1862, vi. 49.
Trujano, T., defence of Huajuapan, 1812, iv. 436^0; defeat at Rancho de la Virgen, 1812, iv. 476; death, iv. 476.
Trujillo, Lieut-col. T., character, iv. 175-6; defeat at Las Cruces, iv. 177-84; treachery of, iv. 182-3; joins Cruz' exped., iv. 242; command.-gen. of Valladolid, iv. 247; defence of Valladolid, 1811, iv. 312-16; defeats Garcia, iv. 384.
Tula, captured by Arredondo, 1811, iv. 321; by Rivera, 1866, vi. 254.
Tulancingo, attacks on, 1812, iv. 405, 421; captured by Guerrero, 1828, v. 39.