Page:Voyage in search of La Perouse, volume 1 (Stockdale).djvu/217

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In the hermaphrodite flowers, the calix, ſtamina and ovarium are as I have deſcribed them in the others.

The fruit is a nut of an almoſt ſpherical form, and of a blackiſh colour, placed upon a receptacle, fleſhy, red, divided in the middle, and about three times as large as the nut.

The kernel is of an oily nature, and of the ſame ſhape with its ſhell.

The principal characters of this plant have led me to rank it among the terebinthinaceous tribe, next to the anacardium. I have given it the name of exocarpos cupreſſiformis.

Explanation of the Figures Plate XIV.

Fig. 1. A branch of the exocarpos cupreſſiformis.

Fig. 2. Portion of a branch in flower.

Fig. 3. Germen, with its ſtyle and ſtigma.

Fig. 4. Fruit.

Fig. 5. The fruit divided longitudinally, ſhewing a cavity in the middle of the fleſhy peduncle.

Fig. 6. The nut.

Fig. 7. Part of the woody ſubſtance ſurrounding the nut.

Towards the cloſe of the evening we arrived at the banks of a rivulet, where we fixed our place of abode for the night. I obſerved at this ſouthern
