Page:Voyage in search of La Perouse, volume 1 (Stockdale).djvu/223

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Fig. 4. The ſame petal ſeen from its outer ſurface.

Fig. 5. Interior petals turned down, to give a view of the ſtamina and ſtyle.

Fig. 6. The ſtamen ſeen through a magnifying glaſs.

Fig. 7 The ſtyle with its ſtigma.

Fig. 8. A part of the germen, the ſtamen and ſtyle having been taken away, in order to ſhew the ſmall filament, which is found in the place of a third ſtamen.

Fig. 9. Lower half of the capſule divided tranſverſely, to ſhew the three partitions.

Fig. 10. Upper half of the capſule divided longitudinally, to ſhew the ſeeds.

As we were walking through a ſmall grove, where the underwood grew very thick, I rouſed a large kangarou at a very ſmall diſtance from me. He immediately ran a length of about thirty paces through one of thoſe narrow paths which theſe animals make for themſelves through the thicket, where they are obliged to uſe all their four feet, as they have no room for an erect poſture; and having reached the farther end, bounded away over the buſhes with ſuch ſwiftneſs, that we ſoon loſt ſight of him.

We found a ſheet of water covered with a prodigious number of wild ducks, which flew up
