Page:Voyage in search of La Perouse, volume 1 (Stockdale).djvu/29

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had brought from Teneriffe are thrown into the Sea—Moderate Temperature of the Atmoſphere near the Line—The Variation of the Compaſs greater on the South than on the North Side of the Equator—Eaſy Method of rendering ſtagnated Water freſh—Thick Fog, which cauſes the Mercury in the Barometer to riſe—Lunar Rainbow—Arrival at the Cape of Good Hope page 70

Abode at the Cape of Good Hope—Depoſitions of two French Captains, ſhewing that they had been informed at Batavia by Commodore Hunter of his having ſeen ſome Perſons at the Admiralty Islands, dreſſed in the Uniforms of the French Marine—Captain Bligh's Voyage from England in Queſt of the Breadfruit in the Society Iſlands—Violent Gales from the South Eaſt—Local Cauſe of their Violence—Slave-trade—Excurſions amongſt the Mountains in the Vicinity of the Town—Journey of the Fiſcal—Voyage to Franſche Hoek page 102
Departure from the Cape of Good Hope—Death of the Maſter-Carpenter of the Recherche—Divers Occurrences—Singular Flight of the Albatroſs—The Iſle of St. Paul ſeen—Conflagration of its Foreſts—Prodigi-
