Page:Voyage in search of La Perouse, volume 1 (Stockdale).djvu/392

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able for its large circular spots of azure blue, as well as several other fishes exhibiting the most brilliant colours. There was a Papow on board, who had the address to catch several of them. Standing in the fore part of the canoe, he darted his spear, consisting of a bamboo pointed with iron, at the fish which was his object. The spear, from its lightness, ascended nearly in the same direction; so that though it had gone to a great depth, our Papow seldom failed to catch it, notwithstanding the way we were making.

When we were about 1,500 toises from the town, we admired the charming situation of the Governor's country house, at the foot of a chain of mountains, which terminate in a gentle declivity near the road.

A cottage of the natives, half way up this slope, encircled with clove and banana trees, added greatly to the beauty of this rural scene.

The depth diminished so much that, though our canoe scarcely drew more than eight inches of water, we were obliged to keep off shore, in order to avoid the rocks.

At the distance of more than 5,100 toises from the town, after passing some fishing boats, we landed on the right bank near a cottage, the owner of which furnished us with as many cocoa-nuts as we wished. Some sailors who were with
