Page:Voyage in search of La Perouse, volume 2 (Stockdale).djvu/28

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twenty-five or thirty yards high. Its wood is very hard, of a reddish colour, and susceptible of a fine polish.

The thick woods we had to the north-north-west of our ships furnished a great number of trees of a moderate height, which grew extremely well, notwithstanding the shade of the vast eucalyptus globulus.

I shall give some account of a new genus of the family of the hypericums, which constituted the ornament of these solitary places, and which I call carpodontos.

The calyx has four scarious leaves, united at the upper part: they fall off as the corolla unfolds itself.

The corolla is formed of four petals, attached beneath the germen.

The stamens are numerous, (thirty or forty.)

The germen is elongated, and surmounted with six or seven styles, each of which has an acute stigma.

The capsule opens into six or seven valves, woody, cleft internally throughout their whole length, and bidentated at their superior extremity.

The seeds are few, and flattened.

This tree, which does not reach a height of more than eight or ten yards, is but slender.
