Page:Voyage in search of La Perouse, volume 2 (Stockdale).djvu/90

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fires, which the natives had kindled on the borders of the sea toward the south-south-east, near two miles from the place where we had anchored.

We hoped that a fair wind would have allowed us to set sail again in the morning; but the wind proving contrary, the General determined that he would remain at anchor till the next day. Accordingly we went ashore toward the south-east, on some low ground, whence it was easy to reach Adventure Bay in a short time.

Among the different shrubs that constitute the ornaments of these places, I shall mention one, which I refer to the genus, that I have already described under the name of mazeutoxeron. It agrees with this genus in all its characters; only the petals, which are distict at the base, adhere together at the middle of their edges, but they may be separated without breaking them. The style is simple and acute.

To this new species I give the name of mazeutoxeron reflexum, on account of its leaves, which are inclined toward the ground. They are hairy and whitish beneath.

The flowers are greenish, solitary, and issue out between two small oval leaves: toward the middle of the peduncle they have two filiform appendices a little larger than the calyx.
