Page:Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, and Round the World in the Years 1791–95, volume 1.djvu/463

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1792. treated by the Englifli, as they had been by the Spaniards, He fcemed at length eonvinced by Sen' Quadra's arguments, and became recon- ciled by his afllirances that his fears were groundlels. On this occafioii I could not help obferving with a mixture of" fiirprize and pleafure, l:ov much the S])aniards had (licceeded in gaining the good opinion and confidence of thefe people ; together with the very orderly behaviour, fo confpicuoufly evident in their conduQ towards the Spaniards on all occafions.

The tents, obfervatory, chronometer, inftruments, &c. were fent on Thurfdayao. fliorc the following day, and all hands were bufdy employed on the several necessary duties of the fliip, fuch as caulking, overhauling the rig- ging and fails, cleaning the hold and bread room for the reception of ftores and provifions. The boats, in confequence of the fervices they had performed during the funimer, were in want of much repair, and were hauled on (liore for that purpofe.

From the unfortunate death of Lieutenant Richard Hergeft, late agent to the Daedalus, I confidered it expc dlcnt that an officer fliould L/e appointed to that ftorefliip, and I therefore nominated Lieutenant James Hanfon of the Chatham to that office ; Mr. James Johnftone, mafler of the Chat- ham, I appointed to the vacant litutenancy : and Mr. Spelman Swaine, one of my mates, ^o be mafter in the Chatham.

In the forenoon I received an official letter from Senr Quadra respecting the restitution of this place, in several copies of a correspondence resulting from the inquiries he had made during his residence here, respecting the English establishments on this coast, at the time the British vessels were captured, and the Spaniards effected an establilhment at Nootka. On this occasion I considered myself very fortunate in finding a young gentleman, (Mr. Dobson.) on board the shore-fship, who spoke and translated the Spanish language very accurately, and who politely offered me his services.

The Chatham was hauicvd on fhorc the next day to examine her bot- tom, and to repair the damage (he had fufiained by getting a-ground. Apart of the gripe, a piece of the fore-foot, with part of the main, and falfe