Page:Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, and Round the World in the Years 1791–95, volume 1.djvu/498

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1792. Otiol)er. fiiihoms. The latul hrcczc was ruccecdcd by one IVom tlu* n.w.; at noon the oblcrvcd latitudr was 47*1.1'. longitudo a;j5' /)(/, vrry nearly coirefponding with the polition of iliis coaft as laid down by lis in the fpring. In this (ituatioii ilie norihernnioU hmd in (ighl by compafs bore N. 28 w.; ihc j)eiroratcd rock noticed off point Grenvillc in the morning of the aHth cfapril, n. i.jW.; mount Olympus n.ije.; the nearcll fhore, being a (niall detached rock, s. 80 E. ihrcr or four miles diflant; two low points of land which we conlidcrcd to form the points of Gray's harbour, s. 40 K.; and s. 36 e.; and the rouihcrnmoll land in fight s. 32 I . In the courfe of the morning wc had fcen a remarkably higli round mountain, which now bore by compafs n. 79 E. and role con- fpicuoufly from a. plain of low, or rather moderately elevated land, and was covered with (now as far down as the intervening hills permitted us to fee. We entertained little doubt of its being mount Rainier, which was foon afterwards confirmed; its didance from us being an hundred geographical miles. The weather and every other circuniftance concurring to promote the defign I had formed of re-exaniiiiing this coall, I direded that Mr. Whidbey, taking one of the Difcovery's boats. Ihould j)roceed in the Daedalus to examine Gray's harbour, faid to be fnuated in latitude /jb* 53', whilft the Chatham and Difcovery explored the river Mr. Gray had difcovered in the latitude of jfi" 10'. In the even, of our not meet- JUT with the Daedalus before we reached Monterrey, that port was ap- pointed as a rendcz()us. We proceeded to the fouthward at the dif- tancc of 3 or 4 miles from the fhore, having regular foundings at a depth from 13 to 19 fathoms. Towards midnight the light n,v, wind, which had prevailed during jnoll part of the day, was I'uccecxled by a calm, on which we anchored in 16 fathoms water, and at day-light the next morning difcovered our fituation to be off the bav we Itnd endeavoured to enter the 27th of lafl april, and about 2 miles from the ouiornioft of the breakers, which bore by compafs n. j^ 1:.; the fouihe -nmod part of th.e road in fif^lit s. s. k.; mount Rainier K. 66 k.: the s. e. point of Gray's harbour, which is low projefting land, cohered with trees. . 2 w.-. and mount Uhmpus, our northern- i I