Page:Voyage of discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, and round the world in the years 1791-95, volume 2.djvu/28

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Dock: nor was thr place of its growtli within figlit of the miffion; tliuugli the richnefs of the contiguous foil, rcemcd equal to all the piirpofes of hufl<;uidrv. One large room was occupied by manufatlurers of acoarfc fort of hiiinketting, made from the wool produced in the neighbour- hood. The looms, thougii rudely wrought, were tolerably well contri- ved, and had been made b' the Indians, under the immediate direftioii and fupcrintendancc of the lathers; who, by the fame aihduity, had carried the manufacture tluis far into execution. The produce refulting from their nianufaclorv is whollv applied to the clothing of the convert- ed Inrlians. I law fome of the cloth, which was by no means defj)icable; and, had it receied the adx'antage of fidling, woidd hae l)een a very decent fort of clothing. The preparation of the wool, as alfo the fpin- ning and weaving of it, was, I undcrilood, performed b)' unmarried women and female childrv-n, who were all relident within the fquarc, and were in a Rate of coinvrhon to the Roman Catholic perliiafion. Befides manufaci tiring the wool, they are alfo inlhufled in a variety of neccITary, ufeful, and beneficial employments, until tluy marry, which is greatly encouraged; when they retire from the tuition of the fathers to the hut of their hufband. By thefe means it is expefted, that their doftrines will be firmly eliablilhed, and rapidly propagated; and the trouble they now have with their prefent untaught flock will be hereafter recompenced, by having fewer prejudices to combat in the rifing generation. They likewife confidcr their plan as elTentially necef- fary, in a political point of view, for infuring their own fafety. TJic women and girls being the dearefl objects of affeftion amongfl thefe Indians, the Spaniards deem it expedient to retain conffantl)- a certain number of females inmiediately within their power, as a pledge for the fidelity of the men, and as a check on any improper defigns the natives might attempt to carry into e.xx^cution, cither againfl the mif- fionaries, or the ellablifliment in general.

By various encouragements and allurements to the children, or their parents, they can depend upon having as many to bring up in this way iis they require: here they are well fed, better clothed than the Indians