Page:Voyage of discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, and round the world in the years 1791-95, volume 2.djvu/305

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8' 45" 12 18 o 58 230 11 230 3.5 233 2 234 5 V5 45 45 The aftronoinical ob(ervations made at this ftation were, Fourteen fets of lunar diftances taken by Mr. Whidbey on the 3d and 5th of June, gave a mean refuU of 232° Fourteen feis taken by Mr. Orchard, ditto - 232 The mean of twenty. eight fets as above, - 232 The latitude by fix meridional altitudes of the fun, 52 By fingle altitudes on the 31ft of may, Kendall's chrono- meter fhewed the longitude to be by the KaraTcakooa rate . - . - - Arnold's No. 14, by the fame rate Ditto, No. 1 7G, ditto ... Ditto, No. 82, on board the Chatham, ditto Having correfponding altitudes on the 3d and 5th of June, that interval was confidered too fliort; a finglo altitude taken on the 7th, and another on the 10th, were therefore made ufe of, for afcertaining the rates of the chronometers. From this authority, and confi- dering the longitude of this place as fixed by our lad year's obfervations in 232° 20' to be corretl, it appeared that Kendall's chronometer was fafl of mean time at Greenwich on the 10th of June, at noon, - 2*" 8' And gaining per day at the rate of, Arnold's No. 14, faft of mean time at Greenwich, 1 57 And gaining per day at the rate of, Arnold's No. 176, ditto, ditto - 4 50 And gaining per day at the rate of, Arnold's No. 82, ditto, ditto - 64 And gaining per day at the rate of, But, as I confidered this authority infufficient for cftablifhing the fe- veral rates of the inftruments, the longitude of the different flations hereafter mentioned will be deduced from fuch obfervations as we were able to obtain, when an opportunity offered for getting the oblervatory again on fhore. The >703' June. 15 40 23 15 29 46 20 32 46 42 58 19 46 29 41