Page:Voyage of discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, and round the world in the years 1791-95, volume 2.djvu/48

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Transactions at Monterrey — Description of the mission of St. Carlos—Departure of the Daedalus for port Jackso —Situation and description of Monterrey bay—Account of the Presdio—Generous conduct of Senr-Quadra—Astronomical and nautical observations.

Tuesday. 26. HAVING arrived in the famous port of Monterrey (so distinguished by the Spaniards.) I waited on Senr Ouadra, who had taken up his residence at the governor's house in the presidio. After the usual complients had passed, and I had received repeated assurances of friendship and hospitality, I returned on board, and at sun-rise the next morning Wends. 27 the prersidio was saluted with thirteen guns ; which being equally returned, the topsails were hoisted, and Senr- Quadra's broad pendant saluted with the same number. After receiving the return of this compliment, Senr Quadra, accompanied by the acting governor Senr Arguello, with Senr Caamano, and several Spanish officers, returned my visit, all of whom were received on board the Discovery and Chatham with such marks of respect and ceremony as were due to their rank and situation. When. these formalities were over, I accompanied Senr Quadra on shore to partake the entertainment of his hospitable table.

In the course of conversation Senr Quadra informed me, that on his arrival in this port from Nootka, he found orders diresting him to capture all vessels he should find engaged in commercial pursuits on this coast, from these presidios northward, to the extent where the general trade is carried on; excepting the vessels belonging to the people of Great Britain, who were to proceed without the least interruption or molestation. These orders from the court of Spain induced us both tobelieve