Page:Voyage of discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, and round the world in the years 1791-95, volume 3.djvu/27

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Ml 1794. J.iiiuary. the Djedalus, were the primary ohjefts of our conficJeration ; and l) ihc orderly and docile behaviour oi all clalFcs ot" the inhabitants, this bulinefs was earricd into execution willi a degree of facility, and confidence in our perleiil lecuntv, equal to the accommodation that could poHibly have been obtained in any jjort of Europe,

There were not at this linic many of tiie principal chiefs in our neigi?- bourhood. Our iormer friend Kahottmiotoo paid us an earlv vifit, with a prefent of twenty large hogs, and a proportionable quantity of vegetables. He was not, however, in his ufually cheerful good fpirits, but was much deprelfcd, in confequence of a violent indifpofition under which his favorite fon Whokaa laboured, from a wound he had received in the exercife of throwing the fpear with a man of mean rank. After a long contention for fuperiority, their play, it feemed, terminated in earneft, and the young chief received his adcrfary's fpear, which was barbed, in the tliroat. Much difficulty had attended its being taken oiu. which had occafioned a wound that had balHed all their art to cure, aufl had reduced him to the lafl llage of his exiftence. His antagonifl wa; foon feized, and the next day his eyes were pulled out, and, after re- maining in that deplorable flate two days, he was executed, by being Ilrangled with a rope.

As fome of the gentlemen intended to accompany Mr. Menzics on an excurfion into the interior part of the country, ihcx were, agreeably to nmrfdayiG; ouf plan of regulations, attended by a chief of the village of Kakooa w th (everal of the king's people, who had directions to fupply all th.eir wants, and to afford them every aflillance and fervicc that they might require.

The harmony that had attended the execution of all our employments had fo facilitated the equipment of the veflels, that, by the following Tucfdayri. tuefday, the bufinefs in the Difcovery's hold was in that (late of forward- nefs as to permit our attending to other objects. The aftronomical department claimed my firft thoughts; and being of fuch material import- ance, I was anxious to lofe no time in fending the tents, obfervatorv, and inftruments, on fhore, now that a party could be afforded for their protection. On this occafion I was furprized to find the king make fome objedions