Page:Wallachia and Moldavia - Correspondence of D. Bratiano whit Lord Dudley C. Stuart, M.P. on the Danubian Principalities.djvu/16

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under the rule of Russia with abhorrence. Your letter, which brings out the. latter point, at least, so strongly is calculated to produce an excellent effect.

With regard to your desire that I should bring the subject of the Principalities, and of the conduct of Russia in regard to them, before Parliament, I need scarcely assure you, that I shall be glad to do so, if I can find a proper and fitting opportunity, and if, upon consultation with other members in whom I have confidence, I should see a prospect of being able to do so with success.

It is, I am sure, unnecessary to remind you that such a step ought not to be taken without due circumspection, as an inopportune move in such matters sometimes does harm to the cause it is meant to serve.

Should I determine on making any motion on the question in the House of Commons, I will do myself the honour of communicating with you, again, thereupon.

I cannot conclude without expressing to you my thanks for the many so flattering passages in regard to myself, which your letter contains. I can only admit as correct such parts of them as attribute to me the earnest desire to promote the happiness of the people of the Principalities, and that of all people struggling for their rights.

Happy should I be if my ability were commensurate with my good will.

I have the honour to remain, my dear Sir,
With regard and esteem,
Yours sincerely,