Page:Wallenstein, a drama in 2 parts - Schiller (tr. Coleridge) (1800).djvu/396

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BOOKS printed for T. N. Longman and O. Rees, No. 39, Paternoster-row.

1. TRAVELS IN AFRICA, EGYPT, AND SYRIA, from the years 1792 to 1798. By W. G. Brown, 4to. Price 1l. 11s. 6d. Boards.

"Such is the outline of this Journey, which vies with any land-tour described either in ancient or modern times. The learning, the ability, and the singular opportunities of the author, have severally contributed so much to enrich his pages with new discoveries, or new observations, that his work will ever bear a high rank among books of travels. Long and perilous journeys have often been performed by men incapable of scientific observation; but in this case, profound learning and undaunted enterprize combine to produce a work perhaps unique in its kind."—Critical Review, Aug. 1799.

2. VIEW OF THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE during the Reign of CATHARINE THE SECOND, and to the Close of the Eighteenth Century, &c. &c. Containing an accurate Description of the Government, Manners, Customs, Religion, Extent, Boundaries, Soil, Climate, Produce, Revenue, Trade, Manufactures, &c. &c. of the several Nations that compose that extensive Empire. By William Tooke, F. R. S. Member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences; and of the Free Economical Society of St. Petersburgh. The second Edition. In Three large Volumes, 8vo. Price 1l. 7s. in Boards.

The Monthly Review is lavish in its commendations in regard to the importance of the subject; the authenticity of the sources from which it appears to be drawn, the ability which it displays in arranging a vast variety of matter, and the circumstances which united to particularly qualify the Author for undertaking and executing such a performance; and only lament that it is difficult to give, within the limits of a miscellaneous publication, an adequate idea of a Work abounding with such interesting and various information.

See also the commendations uniformly bestowed on the Work by the other Reviews.

3. A HISTORY OF RUSSIA, from the Establishment of Monarchy under Rurik to the Accession of Catharine;&nbspII. By W. Tooke, F. R. S. In Two Volumes Octavo. With 60 Portraits, engraved from a Series of Medals.

4. THE LIFE OF CATHARINE II. Empress of Russia. By W. Tooke, F. R. S. The fourth Edition, with considerable Improvements, in Three Volumes Octavo, Price 1l. 4s. in Boards. Embellished with Eleven elegant Portraits, a View of the famous Statue of Peter the Great on the Day of its Disclosure to the Public; a View of the Fortress of Schuffelburgh; and a correct Map of Russia.

The Authors of the Monthly Review bestow great encomiums on this Work: in confirmation of which they give ample extracts, and conclude their Account by saying: "Did our limited space permit, we could transcribe with pleasure manyother