Page:Walpole--portrait of man with red hair.djvu/114

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when lips sought lips and hands clasped hands, and heaven opened and all the human souls marched in.


Back into the market-place they all tumbled, then, standing in a serried mass as the beadle and his followers mounted the Town Hall steps, they shouted:

"All together: One—two—three.
On. Two. Three.
Hurray! Hurray! Hurray!

The dance of all the hearts was, for one more year, at an end.


Every one was splitting up into little groups, some to look at the fireworks, some to have a last drink together, some to creep off into the dark shadows and there confirm their vows, some to drive home on their carts and waggons to their distant farms, some to sit in their homes for a last chatting about all the news, some to go straight to their beds—the common impulse was over although it would not be forgotten.

Harkness looked around to find Gideon, but that giant was gone nor was he ever to see him again.