Page:Walpole--portrait of man with red hair.djvu/201

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nasty. I want to be sure of my way before you come—really Hesther——"

She saw that it was important to him. She laughed.

"It's stupid, when I'm a better climber than you are. But if you like it—you're the commander of this expedition."

She seated herself on a stone near the pony. The two men walked off. The sea mist was very faint, blowing in little wisps like tattered lawn, not obscuring anything but rendering the whole scene ethereal and unreal.

Suddenly, however, as though out of friendly interest, the stars, that had been quite obscured, again appeared, twinkling, humorous eyes looking down over the wall of heaven.

"We should be all right," Dunbar said as the two men set off; "we are up to time. The boat is bound to be there. It's lucky the fog hasn't come. That's a contingency I never thought of. The path down to the Cove is off here, to the right of the cottage somewhere. I've studied every inch of the country round here."

The path appeared. "Tell me, did you have a queer time with Crispin—the elder one, I mean?"

"I've never had so strange a conversation with any one," said Harkness. "Madness is a queer thing when you are in actual contact with it, because we have, every one of us, enough madness in our-