Page:Walter Matthew Gallichan - Women under Polygamy (1914).djvu/105

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benediction to the warrior. She is exalted as a goddess. As Sakti, representing the female principle, she is deeply revered and loved.

These facts should cause us to reconsider all our preconceived notions about "the degradation of the Eastern woman." Let us try earnestly to comprehend the Hindu point of view regarding women. In all parts of the world woman stands for the Incomprehensible, the mysterious. "Souvent femme varie" has given rise to a fervent, bewildered, masculine attention. The Hindus, perhaps more than any other race, have shown a great curiosity and awe concerning the female sex. Woman is highly susceptible to religious ecstasy. She is a stoical martyr under such stimulus. Her nervous organisation and her sex function cause weird manifestations.

Under certain conditions her touch is baneful; at others it is beneficent. According to a primitive legend woman was stung by a snake, and has never recovered from the sting. Maternity invested her with something mysterious, which must be deeply respected. In ancient times, she was the most fitting of human sacrifices to the gods.