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Chap. IV
The Monastery

there was nae offence meant. But ye maun ken the great ancient families canna be just served wi' the ordinary saunts (praise to them!) like Saunt Anthony, Saunt Cuthbert, and the like, that come and gang at every sinner's bidding, but they hae a sort of saunts or angels, or what not, to themsells; and as for the White Maiden of Avenel, she is kend ower the haill country. And she is ay seen to yammer and wail before ony o' that family dies, as was weel kend by twenty folk before the death of Walter Avenel, haly be his cast!'

'If she can do nae mair than that,' said Elspeth, somewhat scornfully, 'they needna make mony vows to her, I trow. Can she make nae better fend for them than that, and has naething better to do than wait on them?'

'Mony braw services can the White Maiden do for them to the boot of that, and has dune in the auld histories,' said Tibb, 'but I mind o' naething in my day, except it was her that the bairn saw in the bog.'

'Aweel, aweel, Tibb,' said Dame Glendinning, rising and lighting the iron lamp, 'these are great privileges of your grand folk. But our Lady and Saunt Paul are good eneugh saunts for me, and I'se warrant them never leave me in a bog that they can help me out o', seeing I send four waxen candles to their chapels every Candlemas; and if they are not seen to weep at my death, I'se warrant them smile at my joyful rising again, whilk Heaven send to all of us, Amen.'

'Amen,' answered Tibb, devoutly; 'and now it 's time I should hap up the wee bit gathering turf, as the fire is ower low.'

Busily she set herself to perform this duty. The relict of Simon Glendinning did but pause a moment to cast a heedful and cautious glance all around the hall, to see that nothing was out of its proper place; then, wishing Tibb good night, she retired to repose.

'The deil 's in the carline,' said Tibb to herself, 'because she was the wife of a cock-laird, she thinks herself grander. I trow, than the bowerwoman of a lady of that ilk!' Having given vent to her suppressed spleen in this little ejaculation, Tibb also betook herself to slumber.