Page:Walter Scott - The Monastery (Henry Frowde, 1912).djvu/434

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The Monastery

''Tis a wild lay,' said the sub-prior, 'and chanted, I fear me. with no good end. But we have power to turn the machinations of Satan to his shame. Edward, thou shalt go with me as thou desirest; thou shalt prove the life for which I have long thought thee best fitted; thou shalt aid. my son, this trembling hand of mine to sustain the Holy Ark. which bold unhallowed men press rashly forward to touch and to profane. Wilt thou not first see thy mother?'

'I will see no one,' said Edward, hastily; 'I will risk nothing that may shake the purpose of my heart. From Saint Mary's they shall learn my destination—all of them shall learn it. My mother—Mary Avenel—my restored and happy brother—they shall all know that Edward lives no longer to the world to be a clog on their happiness. Mary shall no longer need to constrain her looks and expressions to coldness because I am nigh. She shall no longer——'

'My son,' said the sub-prior, interrupting him, 'it is not by looking back on the vanities and vexations of this world, that we fit ourselves for the discharge of duties which are not of it. Go, get our horses ready, and, as we descend the glen together, I will teach thee the truths through which the fathers and wise men of old had that precious alchemy which can convert suffering into happiness.'

Chapter XXXIII

Now, on my faith, this gear is all entangled,
Like to the yarn-clew of the drowsy knitter,
Dragg'd by the frolic kitten through the cabin.
While the good dame sits nodding o'er the fire!
Masters, attend; 'twill crave some skill to clear it.

Old Play.

Edward, with the speed of one who doubts the steadiness of his own resolution, hastened to prepare the horses for their departure, and at the same time thanked and dismissed the neighbours who had come to his assistance, and who were not a little surprised both at the suddenness of his proposed departure, and at the turn affairs had taken.