Page:Walter Scott - The Monastery (Henry Frowde, 1912).djvu/516

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The Monastery

collops, minced meat.
confiteor, I confess; the Confession.
constancy, of a, continuously.
coquinarius, the chief cook in a monastery, the kitchener.
coranto, a dance.
corps, body.
corri, a hollow in the hills, open only on one side.
couvrechef (Scot. curch), a woman's covering for the head.
cracking, gossipping, talking.
cracks, conversation, gossip.
crambe bis coda, cabbage twice boiled.
cricket-stool, a low stool.
croft, field, land.
cromlech, a great stone laid across two others, supposed to mark a sepulchre.
cruives, fish-traps.
cuddie, ass.
cummer, gossip.
curch (Fr. couvrechef), a woman's covering for the head.
cushat, a wood-pigeon.
cymbalurn, a gong.

da mihi vinum, quaeso, et merum sit, give me some wine, I beg you, and let it be unwatered.
da mixtus, give me the mixture (of wine and water).
daffin, thoughtless gaiety, foolery.
darg, day's work.
De profundis clamavi, Out of the depths have I cried (Psalm cxxx).
de trop, in the way, one too many.
deliverly, actively, alertly.
demit, put off, lay aside.
Deo gratias, thanks be to God.
dexter, right.
discipulus im piger atque strenuus, an un wearied and industrious scholar.
dixit abbas, &c. (p. 168), the abbot said to the prior, You are a well-conducted man, for you always give me sensible advice.
Donatus, a Latin primer.
donjon, keep, the central building of a castle.
dool, sorrow, pain, sad consequence.
dorts, saucy, sulky.
double strike, with twice as much malt.
douma, cannot, do not.
downer, lower.
dry-march, a part of the Border.

earded, buried.
effeirs, rank, station, affairs: effeir of war, warlike guise.
en cavalier, as a horseman; roughly.
en croupe, behind the rider.
enfans perdus, lost children.
ennui, weariness, boredom.
Entretiens de Compte du Gabalis, 'Undertakings of the Count du Gabalis': a book by the Abbé de Villars.
escaramouche, skirmish.
esprit follet, airy spirit, sprite.
estramazone, a term in fencing.
et exaudivit, &c. (p. 359). And the Lord heard the voice of Elijah, and the soul of the child came into him again, and he revived. 1 Kings xvii. 22.
ettle, to endeavour, to intend, to aim.
even, to equal.
ex cathedra, from the seat of authority; with authority.
excise, to tax.

fabliau, a tale in verse.
facinora ostendi, &c. (p. 65), Misdeeds should be exposed and punished, but heavy crimes punished in secret.
falconet, a small cannon.
fand, found; to try.
far ben, in favour, intimate.
fash, fasherie, trouble.
fasheous, troublesome.
faye, faith.
fear, sound, well.
feasible, neat, tidy.
fencible, capable of defence: men enrolled for home defence.