Page:Walter Scott - The Monastery (Henry Frowde, 1912).djvu/519

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orgillous (Fr. orgueilleux), proud.
otium cum dignitate, ease combined with dignity.
outrecuidance, arrogance.

palfreniers, grooms.
parler Euphuisme, to speak Euphuism.
paronomasia, a play upon words.
party per pale, divided vertically into two parts.
patienza, patience.
pavin, a stately dance.
pearlins, pearlings, lace.
peat-hag, sloughs in places from which peat has been dug.
pedder-coffe, a pedlar.
penitentia, penitence.
pereat iste, let that man perish.
Petrus Eremita, Peter the Hermit.
piaffe, caracole, passage, tricks of horsemanship.
pinner, a cap with lappets, formerly worn by women of rank.
pistolet, a little pistol.
pith, strength.
pix, the box that contains the consecrated Host.
pleugh-pettle, plough-staff.
ploy, employment, frolic, merry meeting.
pock-pudding, a contemptuous term for an Englishman.
poignet, hilt.
point-device, in every point.
poldroons, shoulder-plates.
portioner, one having a portion of land.
pottinger, an apothecary.
pricker, a light horseman.
principes convenerunt unum adver sus Dominum, the princes gathered themselves together against the Lord.
Promptuarium Parvulorum, a Latin Dictionary.
purl, embroidered border.
pyet, ornate.

quae nunc praescribere longum, which it would take too long to mention.
quean, a young woman, wench.
quit-rent, a rent freeing from other service.

rape, rope.
ratio ultima Romae, final argument of Rome.
reclaim, the recall, recovery.
reisted, roasted, smoked.
rem acu [you have touched] the point with a needle.
rental-mails, account of rents.
rickle, a heap.
rock, distaff.
rokelay, a short cloak.
rood, the cross.
Rosicrucian, one of a fraternity of alchemists, who claimed certain magical powers.
routing, roaring, bellowing, snoring.
rowan-tree, mountain-ash.
rudesby, a turbulent fellow.
rullions, shoes made of untanned leather.

sack and fork, drowning and hanging.
sain, sign, mark with the sign of the Cross.
saker, an old sort of gun.
Sancta Maria, Holy Mary.
Sansculottes, lit. trouserless, a name applied to the Revolutionaries of Paris.
sarsenet, a kind of woven silk.
saultfat, a salt-cellar.
saunt, a saint.
say, a sample, a woollen cloth.
scabella, footstool, bench.
scapularies, a band of woollen stuff hung over the shoulders ; part of the religious habit.
scaur, precipitous bank of overhanging earth.
Scots mile, about 1970 yards.
Scots pund, about 1s. 8d. English money.
scurril, vulgar, indecent, scurrilous.
shaw, a wood.
shell-work, adorned with shells.
singulis, sighs.