Page:Wanderings of a Pilgrim Vol 1.djvu/326

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to travel together the next morning. While it was dark, we took our journey in company with the travellers; and as we passed a well, finding the opportunity friendly to our purpose, we fell upon and killed the travellers; and throwing their bodies into the well, we went forward. Our booty amounted to 200 rupees in cash, and some other property, which we divided, and took the road to Cawnpore. On the road we met two travellers proceeding from Jeypore to Lucnow; we travelled back with them to the village whence we had started; and having remained there for the night, we set off the next morning while it was dark with the travellers. Meeting with a well on the road, we asked the travellers to rest awhile and smoke; and while smoking they were struck with nooses, and strangled. We threw the bodies into the wells. The spoil, amounting to rupees in cash 250, and other property, we divided. After this occurrence Lochun, jamadar, hearing that his wife was delivered of a son, proposed our going to our homes for a time, and we accordingly dispersed."


"About a year ago, in the month of Phagoon, I left my home in Kussooapoor, in company with twenty-two other Thugs, and hearing the sound of an owl, which we regarded as a good omen, we sat down to breakfast, and then took the road to Etawa. Alighting at an inn (sarae) in the night, we found a traveller there, proceeding from Kalpee to Jypoor. My son Gunesh (who was afterwards sentenced to be hung) gained him over to our party, and we set off together the next morning; and travelling towards Agra, we halted at night in the sarae of Juswuntnugar: leaving which place, we stopped near a tank, and in the act of helping some tobacco to the traveller, he was strangled with a noose. His body we threw into the tank. The booty consisted of one brass lota and one thalee, some clothes, and fifteen rupees in cash: these we divided. We arrived next at Huteepoor, and put up in the inn there. Here we fell in with five travellers, proceeding from Jeypoor to Lucnow; of them, two were of the Koormee caste, two Aheers,