Page:Wanderings of a Pilgrim Vol 2.djvu/143

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on the 30th January, 1831, Khema Jāh and Moona Jāh were presented with khil'ats (dresses of honour) by his Majesty, who declared the former to be his heir, and both of them his sons; the latter, the Moona Jāh, now en route to prison, alone was believed to be the son of the King. It is rumoured that his Majesty disowned the boys in the hope that his lately-acquired wife, Kurchia-Mahal, as he styled her, might present him with a son, whom he might raise to the throne. Moona Jāh remained at Chunar until his death in 1846. The King's uncle, Muhammad Ulee Shah, an old man, was placed on the masnad; and Mossem-ood-Dowla, the grandson of Ghazee-ood-Deen Hydur, and son of his daughter, was deprived of his inheritance.—(See the pedigree of the Kings of Oude, Chapter the Eighteenth, page 186.)