Page:Wanderings of a Pilgrim Vol 2.djvu/155

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The only monkey I ever saw in my life that I did not think disgusting was one which Mr. H—— brought from Assam. A little fellow perfectly jet black, with white eyebrows—a curiosity. His master went up dāk to Agra, leaving the monkey, baggage, and servants to follow in a boat. The monkey was provided with four goats to furnish him with milk on the voyage; and some tea and sugar, as it was his custom to take tea every morning. In a storm the boat went down: the khidmatgār in charge of it said, "I saved the monkey and my children with difficulty: what would the master have said had Jackoo been drowned?" Poor Jackoo's four goats were drowned, and with him the khidmatgār called on me at Allahabad to assist in procuring others. How could a monkey exist without milk to his tea? His beauty attracted great admiration. He was a high caste and most holy monkey. Coming down the river from Assam, he used to sit on the mast-head leaning on his hand. The natives followed the boat for miles making sālām to him. I believe the creature came from the Garrows: some are black, others of a cream colour. They are most affectionate animals, leaving their food to caress one. They hang for great part of the day by their long arms from a bough or a bamboo running crossways.

Besides these monkeys the Garrow Hills possess many curiosities; birds, plants, &c. Amongst the birds is a pheasant of a grey colour, covered over with eyes like those on the peacock's tail, but smaller: it is very beautiful.


Alluding to that part of the country induces me to insert extracts from some letters dated from Goalparah, giving an account of buffalo shooting and sporting in that part of the country.

"This letter is taken up with Shikār in obedience to your wishes. You have at heart a large share of the hunting principle, supposed to characterize mankind in a wild state. I have seen you in your excursion at Gaur, very anxious where the covert had a likely look, and so attentive when the game was started as not to be conscious of the thunder and lightning of