Page:Wanderings of a Pilgrim Vol 2.djvu/163

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The different places in which he is scored show him to have been fairly in the tiger's grip, and yet the amount of injury was small. The other has suffered more severely; and three men, they say, were killed outright during this year.

"This is the trade that men will take up for the chance of half an ānā a day! I do not think the Sadr 'Adālat people would enter the bhagmar department if their salaries were to be doubled. This shows that the work of the service could be done for four ānās a day, being three and a half ānās for the respectability. 'Two bobs for the vartue, and a sice for the larning!'

"For the first time, I have visited the burying-ground. Your friend's place of rest is more remarkable than solemn. A small circular enclosure of upright slips of bamboo, precisely similar to the defence of a young tree, would seem to indicate to the traveller, the existence in these savage regions of a race believing in a vegetable resurrection."