Page:Wanderings of a Pilgrim Vol 2.djvu/191

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the shape of a boar, killed him with his tusks, and replaced the earth in its original situation.


Hirinakassap, the younger brother of the gigantic demon, who in the third avatar rolled up the earth and carried it down to the abyss, succeeded him in his kingdom over the inferior world, and refused to do homage to Vishn[)u]. His son Pralhaud, who disapproved of his father's conduct, was persecuted and banished; his father sought to kill him, but was prevented by the interposition of heaven, which appeared on the side of Pralhaud. At length, Hirinakassap was softened, and recalled his son to his court; where, as he sat in full assembly, he began to argue with him against the supremacy of Vishn[)u], boasted that he himself was lord of all the visible world, and asked, "What Vishn[)u] could pretend to more?" Pralhaud replied, "That Vishn[)u] had no fixed abode, but was present every where." "Is he," said his father, "in that pillar?" "Yes," returned Pralhaud. "Then let him come forth," said the king; and rising from his seat, struck the pillar with his foot; upon which Vishn[)u], in the form of Nara-singha, that is to say, with a body like a man, but a head like a lion, came out of the pillar and tore Hirinakassap in pieces. Vishn[)u] then fixed Pralhaud on the throne, and his reign was a mild and virtuous one. I have a Hindoo painting commemorative of this avatar, in which the man-lion is represented seated in the centre of a pillar that has been burst open, while, with his hands, he is tearing out the bowels of the impious king, who lies howling and kicking across the knees of Nara-singha. On the right of the picture a Hindūstanī woman stands, with the palms of her hands pressed together; and to the left, is a man, apparently a dwarf, standing in the same attitude.


Maha-Beli, by severe religious austerities, had obtained from Brahma the sovereignty of the universe, or the three regions of the Sky, the Earth, and Patala. He was a generous and mag-