Page:Wanderings of a Pilgrim Vol 2.djvu/310

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Extracts from the papers.

"Height of the Himalayas.—The Great Trigonometrical Survey has determined the elevations of the great peaks of the Himalaya range. The highest (supposed to be the highest spot on the surface of the globe) is Kunchinginga, West Peak, 28,176 feet; the East Peak is 27,825 feet. The following are the elevations of other peaks:—Junnoo, 25,311; Kabroo, 24,004; Chumalari (in Tibet), 23,929."

"At a meeting of the Asiatic Society on the 6th November, a paper by Col. Waugh, surveyor-general, was read, giving the result of that officer's operations to determine the height of several Himalayan peaks in the neighbourhood of Darjeeling. Col. Waugh appears to have satisfactorily ascertained that the western peak of Cutchinchinga was 28,176 feet high, and the eastern 27,825—thus claiming for that mountain the greatest altitude on the earth yet known. 1848."