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husband did not attend to the words of the Hindū sage, who says, "Strike not even with a blossom a wife guilty of a hundred faults!" still, in all probability, her parents bestowed an harmonious name upon her, in obedience to the directions of Menu, who suggests that "the names of women should be agreeable, soft, clear, captivating the fancy, auspicious, ending in long vowels, resembling words of benediction." He also says, "Let mutual fidelity continue to death: this, in few words, may be considered as the supreme law between husband and wife." The conjugal duties of the Rajpūts are comprehended in that single text.

30th.—When I was formerly at Allahabad the Bāiza Bā'ī was anxious to have leave from Government to erect a most remarkable pillar of stone, that was prostrate in the Fort, near the gateway. This lāt, as before mentioned, is covered with inscriptions in unknown characters, that puzzle the learned. The design of her Highness was not carried into execution, and the lāt was afterwards erected in the Fort at the expense of the Asiatic Society, by Colonel Edward Smith, C.B. We drove to see it in the evening, admired it very much, and thought it erected with great judgment: it is highly ornamental to the Fort. Whilst we were examining the pillar, the buggy horse took fright, became very violent, upset five of the small stone pillars that support the chains that surround the lāt, and broke his harness in divers places. The scene was good.

April 1st.—I fell by accident on the stones in the verandah with considerable force, and fainted away; the blow which I received on my left shoulder was severe; painful and useless my arm hangs by my side,—I have no power to move a finger.

The oriental proverb, that "A sharp sword will not cut raw silk[1]," does not apply to silk when manufactured; as I this morning saw a gentleman place a silk handkerchief upon his sword, and, with one skilful drawing cut, divide it exactly and diagonally.

27th.—Divine service was performed in the new church, that

  1. Oriental Proverbs, No. 143.