Page:Wanderings of a Pilgrim Vol 2.djvu/64

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when any load is placed on their backs, however light. When the camel's toilet was completed, a Mahratta girl jumped on his back, and made him go round the enclosure at a capital rate; the trappings were admired, and the bells pronounced very musical.

They were eager I should mount the camel; I thought of Theodore Hook. "The hostess said, 'Mr. Hook, will you venture upon an orange?' 'No, thank you, Ma'am, I'm afraid I should tumble off.'" C'est beau çà, n'est pas? I declined the elevated position offered me, for the same reason.

The finest young sawārī camels, that have never been debased by carrying any burthen greater than two or three Persian cats, are brought down in droves by the Arabs from Cabul; one man has usually charge of three camels; they travel in single file, the nose of one being attached to the crupper of another by a string passed through the cartilage. They browse on leaves in preference to grazing. It was a picturesque scene, that toilet of the camel, performed by the Mahratta girls, and they enjoyed the tāmāsha.

I mentioned my departure was near at hand; the Bā'ī spoke of her beloved Gwalior, and did me the honour to invite me to pay my respects there, should she ever be replaced on the gaddī. She desired I would pay a farewell visit to the camp three days afterwards. After the distribution, as usual, of betel leaves, spices, atr of roses, and the sprinkling with rose-water, I made my salām. Were I an Asiatic, I would be a Mahratta.

The Mahrattas never transact business on an unlucky day; Tuesday is an unfortunate day, and the Bā'ī, who was to have held a durbār, put it off in consequence. She sent for me, it being the day I was to take leave of her; I found her looking grave and thoughtful, and her sweet smile was very sad. She told me the Court of Directors had sent orders that she was to go and live at Benares, or in the Deccan; that she was to quit Fathīghar in one month's time, and should she refuse to do so, the Governor-General's agent was to take her to Benares by force, under escort of troops that had been sent to Fathīghar for that purpose. The Bā'ī was greatly distressed, but spoke on the