Page:War's dark frame (IA warsdarkframe00camp).pdf/123

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through a narrow shaft until it was lost in the darkness.

"Here we are," the officer said. "You can go up—if you are not afraid."

Now that we were actually at the front that chilling question had become habitual with him. It was possible to do this or that—if we were not afraid.

Such a formula must have its ritual answer. Through the darkness we murmured our delight. While I waited my turn at the ladder a patrol stumbled near, flashed his light on a telephone instrument against the wall, then went close and took down the receiver. I heard him reporting to headquarters.

"Very quiet—Oh, four or five casualties. Sending them back. No, no. Nothing at all. Everything is very peaceable."

He snapped off his light, hung up the receiver, and stumbled away, continuing his routine.

It was my turn. I commenced to climb the ladder while the water dripped with a perpetual animosity. The succession of rungs seemed endless. Certainly we would emerge at some high point with a prospect magnificent and extended; but such a post, it occurred to one, must, to an extent, be exposed. I tried to calculate how high I was already. Then far above light gleamed.